Florida Blue’s Market Leader Cindy Mason recently toured the Seahawk Marketplace at Central Campus after a meeting hosted by executive leaders, including President Gregory Adam Haile, J.D.; Dr. Mildred Coyne, VP Janice Stubbs, VP Kareen Torres and CCO Nancy R. Botero. During the meeting, Broward College thanked Fiorella Symth, Florida Blue’s Senior Manager of Corporate Social Responsibility for her organization’s support of our students’ food pantries. Cindy also shared Florida Blue’s ongoing partnership with Broward College and looks forward to expanding its support with the future opening of a food pantry at North Campus.

Cindy shares that “Broward College is a staple within our community and our partners see Broward College as an extension of their services and their team. The level of dedication to helping people in our community to achieve better health emotionally physically, and financially aligns with Florida Blue and we look forward to doing even more with Broward College ”

To continue meeting the demand for food assistance, you have an opportunity to help feed a Seahawk today. With your gift, we are one step closer to reducing the number of food-insecure students at Broward College. Any gift, no matter the size, will impact the life of a Seahawk during their time of need.

To learn more about the Seahawk Marketplace or to donate, visit www.broward.edu/students/seahawk-outreach/marketplace.html