SOS and Broward UP Programs Receive Vital Boost

Broward College extends heartfelt thanks to Florida Blue for their generous support to the Seahawk Outreach Services (SOS) and Broward UP Programs. This donation promises a profound impact on numerous students.

Florida Blue’s commitment to community well-being and education is evident. Their substantial contribution bolsters the SOS Program, addressing food and housing insecurities, mental health challenges, homelessness, and financial barriers for students in need.

The Broward UP Program, dedicated to removing post-secondary education barriers, gains valuable support for expansion, ensuring more students access the education and training needed for success.

Florida Blue’s $30,000 donation reflects a commitment to higher education and empowering individuals in the community, irrespective of challenges.

Broward College eagerly anticipates the positive outcomes of Florida Blue’s support and expresses deep gratitude for their shared vision of a brighter future.