As we approach the end of the year, we invite you to be part of something truly special. Your generosity is the snowball effect that keeps growing and changing lives. It accumulates and makes a impact on student scholarships and enhancing academic programs that create a wonderland of educational opportunities at Broward College.

By making a year-end gift, you’re helping to create a blizzard of positive change. Together, let’s make a difference that grows year after year.

At Broward College, your funding goes further, and there are four convenient ways to make your charitable donation:

1. We recommend you visit our secure web page and make an online donation via credit card, PayPal or Venmo.

2. You may send a check* payable to “Broward College Foundation” to:
401 East Las Olas Boulevard, Suite 130-458
Fort Lauderdale, FL 33301

*(Please use this address for USPS mail, as well as FedEx and UPS packages, rather than our physical location,  during Broward College’s Winter Break from December 22 to January 2).  Advancement staff will be available to answer any questions, and check the mail at this address during the closure.

3. If you wish to make a wire transfer or transfer a gift of stock, follow these guidelines

Stock Transfer Instructions

Memo To: OCIO Client Service Team, Fund Evaluation Group
Phone: 513-977-4400 (FEG)
Fax: 513-806-2217 (FEG)

To Transfer Securities
Charles Schwab & Co., Inc.
DTC#: 0164
Account#: 7719-3184
Account Name: Broward College Foundation, Inc.

4. If you prefer to make your gift over the telephone, need additional assistance or have questions, please call Associate Vice President for Development Scott Rivinius on his cell, 954-299-6628.